The dog shelter picked up 6 large trash bags of my clutter today......and they were thanking ME!!!!
I said, no, THANK YOU!. Not only did I gain the space of those 6 large trash bags........but, it is going to dogs that have been abused......hurt, and rescued by loving volunteers, who do this in their spare time. What kind of person, hurts a dog? They are such loving creatures, my mind or heart just can not fathom what goes on in the mind of someone that would hurt a dog. ugggggggggggh!!! It is inconceivable, in my mind, heart and soul.
I donated sheets, dog toys, dog treats that my dogs do not like, sheets,towels, pillows, canvas, blankets, leashes and collars. I am going up to my aunts house and will find more stuff to give to this worthy cause........if you have stuff to give.......and they are in desperate need of dog toys and dog treats......and canvas to make the hamock beds ( as they do not want the dogs to have to sleep on the cold cement floor, they have been through enough ) please contact and tell her deborah sent you, if you can contribute to this worthy cause....and support these angels that rescue their free time.
I was in tears after she left, that my clutter could warm the spirits of these brave animals that have survived abuse........Linda, thanked me....and I said, NO, thank you......for taking this clutter and making good use of it......
If you can not sell it, donate it to a place that can use your clutter well. At least, you will feel that you held onto it for a good reason.
Have old jeans.....send them to habitat for humanity......they are using them to insulate the houses they are building.........
Check out this site, your clutter could make you a HERO, to someone in need..........
Maybe that clutter, that you held onto can heal the self-esteem that is has so damaged.......try it, you might like it. Find homes that are in need of your will heal your heart.......
Smiles to You,
Dee Cluttering
Friday, May 7, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The 5 Love Languages
I found this while surfing the web today, an interesting little quiz........
I spent a good hour perusing the website.......and would say, that there is lots of good information here for those that want to declutter their love life..........which, is applicable in many instances to your other relationships as well. I have always said, it is not what you say, but how you say it that determines effectiveness. There is also, some good pointers on how to apologize effectively. Maybe the reason, someone will not forgive you, is that you have not spoken their apology language that they need to get over their hurt. It sounds trite, I mean an apology should be, simple........I am sorry......but, is it? After you say I am sorry, do you take responsibility or do you excuse your behavior with excuses?
I was just pondering today, how some relationships tend to clutter up my life, while others seem to energize me? I do believe that actual clutter, is a exterior manifestation of what is going on inside your head.....just as I learned weight gain, relates to stuffing down your feelings with food instead of addressing them.
So for a change of pace, instead of meditating on How your clutter has influenced your relationships......consider for a moment, How have your relationships influenced your clutter acumulation?
Not meant to help you excuse your clutter accumulation, but, rather eliminate/ change situations that are not productive to your decluttering progress.
I would love to hear your feedback on this question.
My Decluttering Progress
I have unloaded 40 plus bags of papers related to my divorce that I no longer need.
I have assembled sheets and towels, dog toys that are no longer used, dog treats that my dogs do not like, for donation to an animal shelter rehab project for economically depressed areas in West Virginia. I feel good about this. I love animals.
I have gotten three trash bags full of old clothes for donation to good will. They just need to be dropped off.
I finally got all the wood from the gazebo my brother took down last fall, out in the trash. This was a biggie. My deck looks so much better without this pile of wood.
I am in the process of closing my ebay store, due to the changes management has made, which has made having a store on ebay too time consuming. I am searching for other venues, beyond my shop on bonanzle. I may try etsy.
I unloaded one very unproductive relationship in my life, which has caused my decluttering progress to accelerate. Proof positive that relationships can contribute to your clutter, in more ways than one.
Although, I miss the dream of this person, I do not miss the negativity....not one bit.
All and all I feel good about what I accomplished this past month and hope to do the same or more in the month of May.
Wishing you a wonderful week,
Smiles to you,
Dee Cluttering
I spent a good hour perusing the website.......and would say, that there is lots of good information here for those that want to declutter their love life..........which, is applicable in many instances to your other relationships as well. I have always said, it is not what you say, but how you say it that determines effectiveness. There is also, some good pointers on how to apologize effectively. Maybe the reason, someone will not forgive you, is that you have not spoken their apology language that they need to get over their hurt. It sounds trite, I mean an apology should be, simple........I am sorry......but, is it? After you say I am sorry, do you take responsibility or do you excuse your behavior with excuses?
I was just pondering today, how some relationships tend to clutter up my life, while others seem to energize me? I do believe that actual clutter, is a exterior manifestation of what is going on inside your head.....just as I learned weight gain, relates to stuffing down your feelings with food instead of addressing them.
So for a change of pace, instead of meditating on How your clutter has influenced your relationships......consider for a moment, How have your relationships influenced your clutter acumulation?
Not meant to help you excuse your clutter accumulation, but, rather eliminate/ change situations that are not productive to your decluttering progress.
I would love to hear your feedback on this question.
My Decluttering Progress
I have unloaded 40 plus bags of papers related to my divorce that I no longer need.
I have assembled sheets and towels, dog toys that are no longer used, dog treats that my dogs do not like, for donation to an animal shelter rehab project for economically depressed areas in West Virginia. I feel good about this. I love animals.
I have gotten three trash bags full of old clothes for donation to good will. They just need to be dropped off.
I finally got all the wood from the gazebo my brother took down last fall, out in the trash. This was a biggie. My deck looks so much better without this pile of wood.
I am in the process of closing my ebay store, due to the changes management has made, which has made having a store on ebay too time consuming. I am searching for other venues, beyond my shop on bonanzle. I may try etsy.
I unloaded one very unproductive relationship in my life, which has caused my decluttering progress to accelerate. Proof positive that relationships can contribute to your clutter, in more ways than one.
Although, I miss the dream of this person, I do not miss the negativity....not one bit.
All and all I feel good about what I accomplished this past month and hope to do the same or more in the month of May.
Wishing you a wonderful week,
Smiles to you,
Dee Cluttering
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Electronic Recycling for the Bucks County Area
Bring your items below that you no longer want or use to Habitat for Humanity of Bucks County ReStore, at 31 Oak Ave in Chalfont, PA on Saturday, April 24th from 9am to 2pm.
Laptop Computers
Desktop Computers
Printers & Fax Machines
DVD Players, VCRs
Televisions ($20 fee)
Computer Monitors ($5 fee)
Keyboards & Accessories
Stereos & Speakers
Telephones/Cell phones
Computer Parts
Batteries (Lead Acid)
Small Appliances
Electronic Toys
So you do not have the time to help build a home for habitat.....but, amongst your clutter you have electronics that you always tend to keep, because someone may need an extra....except technology
and time has moved onward and so should YOU. Here is a constructive HOME, to send your
unwanted items to.....and YOU WILL BE HELPING A FAMILY IN NEED at the same time.
It does not get much better than this.......start now, you have over a month to divest yourself of
major clutter......go for it!!!
Smiles to YOU,
Dee Cluttering
Laptop Computers
Desktop Computers
Printers & Fax Machines
DVD Players, VCRs
Televisions ($20 fee)
Computer Monitors ($5 fee)
Keyboards & Accessories
Stereos & Speakers
Telephones/Cell phones
Computer Parts
Batteries (Lead Acid)
Small Appliances
Electronic Toys
So you do not have the time to help build a home for habitat.....but, amongst your clutter you have electronics that you always tend to keep, because someone may need an extra....except technology
and time has moved onward and so should YOU. Here is a constructive HOME, to send your
unwanted items to.....and YOU WILL BE HELPING A FAMILY IN NEED at the same time.
It does not get much better than this.......start now, you have over a month to divest yourself of
major clutter......go for it!!!
Smiles to YOU,
Dee Cluttering
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
I found it......I finally found it.........
my missing digital camera.... :-))))) YIPPEE!!!! It is a clear sign, that I am finally making progress on the declutter project.
I lost it in my yarn storage room....a little over 8 months ago, and after days spent searching for it...depression over how damaging my clutter had become...I gave up and bought a new one! A red one, which is so bright in color it is hard to lose. The bad news is I now have TWO digital cameras, plus my clunky original. What do you do with old digital cameras......does anyone know?
How many cameras do you own? How many do you actually use? I have an old yashica 35 mm with all the paraphenalia, at least 3 other cameras....a polaroid......and I only use my digital. This is the perfect example of how our lives get cluttered with age. How many of us, buy new and never dispose of the old, because that one item does not take up much space, and someone may want it......? It is left somewhere, and never dealt with......and then in comes another replacement, and that is well tucked in a drawer or a closet....
It is fine when you are 25, but as the years progress, it is not one or two extra is several.
One great way to begin to declutter your life, is pick any one thing you own.......and create a treasure hunt...and take the proceeds from the sales of the duplicates and do something really fun....or buy something decadent, like a great box of chocolates or go to that broadway play you have wanted to see..take those dance lessons you always wanted to do..plan a family trip....hire a professional organizer, to help you, declutter your home. In short, use that found make your life better.....
Now that is a Win/ Win proposition......Less stuff to care exchange for something Enjoyable! You are worth it!!!
Smiles to you,
Dee Cluttering
I lost it in my yarn storage room....a little over 8 months ago, and after days spent searching for it...depression over how damaging my clutter had become...I gave up and bought a new one! A red one, which is so bright in color it is hard to lose. The bad news is I now have TWO digital cameras, plus my clunky original. What do you do with old digital cameras......does anyone know?
How many cameras do you own? How many do you actually use? I have an old yashica 35 mm with all the paraphenalia, at least 3 other cameras....a polaroid......and I only use my digital. This is the perfect example of how our lives get cluttered with age. How many of us, buy new and never dispose of the old, because that one item does not take up much space, and someone may want it......? It is left somewhere, and never dealt with......and then in comes another replacement, and that is well tucked in a drawer or a closet....
It is fine when you are 25, but as the years progress, it is not one or two extra is several.
One great way to begin to declutter your life, is pick any one thing you own.......and create a treasure hunt...and take the proceeds from the sales of the duplicates and do something really fun....or buy something decadent, like a great box of chocolates or go to that broadway play you have wanted to see..take those dance lessons you always wanted to do..plan a family trip....hire a professional organizer, to help you, declutter your home. In short, use that found make your life better.....
Now that is a Win/ Win proposition......Less stuff to care exchange for something Enjoyable! You are worth it!!!
Smiles to you,
Dee Cluttering
digital camera,
old cameras,
Friday, February 19, 2010
Where have I been since June 18th 2009?????
De-cluttering and de-cluttering and de-cluttering, did I mention DE-CLUTTERING.......OH MY.....
Just after I posted my last post, I got a call that my aunt had died...and I found out that I was excutrix of her estate.....and what a nightmare...of clutter. She was 88 1/2 years old. I have literally been sorting and pulling trash out of her home for the last 8 months or so from her home and
I am still not done. Still much to do in the basement.
This experience has changed my life, and has me hyper-focused on de-cluttering my own life, not just getting rid of stuff that I will never, ever use......but focused on streamlining my life, in general. We clutter our lives up in so many ways, from friends that do nothing but, take up our time and do not give back, participation in activities that we believe we need in our lives, that no longer fit our personal goals, and most importantly talking about doing things, and NOT DOING THEM.
I am happy to report, that I have been DOING de-cluttering, Not talking about wanting to do it. One thing per day, since the first of this year in my own home. I purchased a new vacuum cleaner, an electrolux oxygen, which I am happy to report was well worth the $400 plus sticker price shock that I felt in making this investment. Who wants to spend beaucoup bucks on a vacuum? UGGGGGGGGH! It is sucking up dust and clutter right and left.
I am paying people to fix things that have stopped me from moving forward, here and there, which has worked. I hate paying people to do things that I can do myself, but, when you get bogged down, overwhelmed, it can cause your life to get behind......cluttered. For example, I paid someone to repair my bathroom ceiling, nail pops, patch and paint it. I hate painting ceilings, so the bathroom remained stripped for two years, ready to go but, nothing happened. Can you relate? Once the ceiling was done, the room was painted in a few hours. All that remains is the curtains need to be rehung, and the accessories returned. It is now a functional room again! Pictures will be forthcoming.
Now I am working on decluttering my bedroom. I also had this person hang a cabinet above my created space in my bathroom, which got more clutter off the counters. These two small projects, have me stoked, they have given me hope, and an emotional lift. All for about a $100. This money got me UNSTUCK......and did more for my emotional well being than a day at a healthspa....or a new dress or shoes would have done.
I have signed up on this new site, where you can find people to help you organize your life, give you personal advice, help you with those smaller chores that you will never have the time to do yourself and are keeping you stuck. Check it out.......

You can offer your services too, perhaps create a barter situation with some of the professionals there, they fix your toilet and you give them advice on their dating image, or cook them dinner.....its free to register and free to obtain services.....GO THERE!!!
Take the first step to de-clutter your life, today and if you can't take the step, hire someone to take that first step for you.....It just might get your juices going and get you UNSTUCK...
.....I am so angry at my aunt for leaving me knee deep in her mess with the responsibility to clean up her clutter, on top of my own. I can not tell you how hurt and frustrated to have been forced into this position, I am....Do not do this to your loved ones. Sell or dispose of the stuff you do not need, NOW.....or whatever money you intend to leave them will end up going to clean up crews, junk removers, unsavory dealers, etc. You know what you have, you are the best person to get the most $$$$$$ for that item, not your heirs, who do not have a clue and are overwhelmed with sadness, sentimentality and the sheer volume of your possessions and pressed for time.
Once the house is up for sale, and the estate taxes are done, I will again begin to post more frequently, with thoughts and ideas for de-cluttering your life as well as things you can do to help your loved ones after you are gone.
Wishing you a great day!
Smiles to YOU,
Just after I posted my last post, I got a call that my aunt had died...and I found out that I was excutrix of her estate.....and what a nightmare...of clutter. She was 88 1/2 years old. I have literally been sorting and pulling trash out of her home for the last 8 months or so from her home and
I am still not done. Still much to do in the basement.
This experience has changed my life, and has me hyper-focused on de-cluttering my own life, not just getting rid of stuff that I will never, ever use......but focused on streamlining my life, in general. We clutter our lives up in so many ways, from friends that do nothing but, take up our time and do not give back, participation in activities that we believe we need in our lives, that no longer fit our personal goals, and most importantly talking about doing things, and NOT DOING THEM.
I am happy to report, that I have been DOING de-cluttering, Not talking about wanting to do it. One thing per day, since the first of this year in my own home. I purchased a new vacuum cleaner, an electrolux oxygen, which I am happy to report was well worth the $400 plus sticker price shock that I felt in making this investment. Who wants to spend beaucoup bucks on a vacuum? UGGGGGGGGH! It is sucking up dust and clutter right and left.
I am paying people to fix things that have stopped me from moving forward, here and there, which has worked. I hate paying people to do things that I can do myself, but, when you get bogged down, overwhelmed, it can cause your life to get behind......cluttered. For example, I paid someone to repair my bathroom ceiling, nail pops, patch and paint it. I hate painting ceilings, so the bathroom remained stripped for two years, ready to go but, nothing happened. Can you relate? Once the ceiling was done, the room was painted in a few hours. All that remains is the curtains need to be rehung, and the accessories returned. It is now a functional room again! Pictures will be forthcoming.
Now I am working on decluttering my bedroom. I also had this person hang a cabinet above my created space in my bathroom, which got more clutter off the counters. These two small projects, have me stoked, they have given me hope, and an emotional lift. All for about a $100. This money got me UNSTUCK......and did more for my emotional well being than a day at a healthspa....or a new dress or shoes would have done.
I have signed up on this new site, where you can find people to help you organize your life, give you personal advice, help you with those smaller chores that you will never have the time to do yourself and are keeping you stuck. Check it out.......
You can offer your services too, perhaps create a barter situation with some of the professionals there, they fix your toilet and you give them advice on their dating image, or cook them dinner.....its free to register and free to obtain services.....GO THERE!!!
Take the first step to de-clutter your life, today and if you can't take the step, hire someone to take that first step for you.....It just might get your juices going and get you UNSTUCK...
.....I am so angry at my aunt for leaving me knee deep in her mess with the responsibility to clean up her clutter, on top of my own. I can not tell you how hurt and frustrated to have been forced into this position, I am....Do not do this to your loved ones. Sell or dispose of the stuff you do not need, NOW.....or whatever money you intend to leave them will end up going to clean up crews, junk removers, unsavory dealers, etc. You know what you have, you are the best person to get the most $$$$$$ for that item, not your heirs, who do not have a clue and are overwhelmed with sadness, sentimentality and the sheer volume of your possessions and pressed for time.
Once the house is up for sale, and the estate taxes are done, I will again begin to post more frequently, with thoughts and ideas for de-cluttering your life as well as things you can do to help your loved ones after you are gone.
Wishing you a great day!
Smiles to YOU,
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