You can donate your old Nike's to Nike and they
will turn the old rubber into New Playgrounds.
go here to read more
I love any benefits to recycling old stuff or tips for beneficial
removal of your clutter. If you hear of anything else, please
let me know.
so go through your closets and get rid of your smelly old NIKE shoes
and build playgrounds....
Wishing you a great day,
Smiles to you,
Dee Cluttering
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
More Political and Financial Rhetoric when Does it End?
Gentlemen and Ladies, there are millions of people standing on the sidelines waiting for some direction.....they are known as the American public....and if YOU WOULD JUST MAKE UP YOUR MINDS....we might get out of this mess sooner rather than later....and a lot faster than the stimulus will move us along .....and faster than your debate is going to take.
What is it the american public can do to help you along? we gave our vote of confidence...after the speech last nite. Why are you ignoring our wishes, when we have told you Washington politicians, what we as a people want. Do it....or stop saying you are representing us.
We the people......are willing and able to help, IF YOU, Washington talking heads and media critics... would make a clear choice as to the way to go.......this Limbo is Hell!!!
The point is when you are down, the only place to go is UP!!!! right? If this is as
bad as they all say, why then do these people feel they have so much time to debate
and talk, instead of ACT?
Pick something and DO IT, already, WITH THE VIEW TO MAKE IT WORK? Am I alone in this feeling? I thought the definition of maturity, was knowing how to make wrong decisions, RIGHT? It is called self-confidence!!!!
I don't know about you, but these people have me feeling like We as a Nation have a gun to our heads....and if we do, then what does their indecision and Non- Action, have to say? Stand there and wait to get shot? What is missing from this picture?
Maybe the way we got in this mess was too much choice? TOO many decisions to be made, that seem far more difficult than they actually should be. When you have a group of people behind you, you do not stand there and do march putting one foot in front of the other. You can always stop and talk a mile up the road.....but MOVE....
I am finding listening to this rehetoric...a reason to take that why the biotech sector of the market is doing well? What does this say about our society.....they we can not make a choice in a financial disaster and move forward?
sorry, I just had to express my dissatisfaction. Who is going to lose their jobs next guys, when we all decide to turn off our radios and tv's and disconnect from this negativity.....?????
Is there any good news out there? Please tell me something is going well somewhere? When do we get to the point when we realize, it can not be all this bad, especially if everyone seems to believe they have plenty of time to debate which, direction to head.......??????
How much negativity is enough negativity......I am at my limit.....or damn close. How about you?
I am offering my blog, for your vote.........that says, guys and gals of Washington, MAKE a decision and MOVE ON....Move forward......I do not believe that I am I?
I need my brain decluttered in order to declutter my home..........
Smiles to you,
dee cluttering
What is it the american public can do to help you along? we gave our vote of confidence...after the speech last nite. Why are you ignoring our wishes, when we have told you Washington politicians, what we as a people want. Do it....or stop saying you are representing us.
We the people......are willing and able to help, IF YOU, Washington talking heads and media critics... would make a clear choice as to the way to go.......this Limbo is Hell!!!
The point is when you are down, the only place to go is UP!!!! right? If this is as
bad as they all say, why then do these people feel they have so much time to debate
and talk, instead of ACT?
Pick something and DO IT, already, WITH THE VIEW TO MAKE IT WORK? Am I alone in this feeling? I thought the definition of maturity, was knowing how to make wrong decisions, RIGHT? It is called self-confidence!!!!
I don't know about you, but these people have me feeling like We as a Nation have a gun to our heads....and if we do, then what does their indecision and Non- Action, have to say? Stand there and wait to get shot? What is missing from this picture?
Maybe the way we got in this mess was too much choice? TOO many decisions to be made, that seem far more difficult than they actually should be. When you have a group of people behind you, you do not stand there and do march putting one foot in front of the other. You can always stop and talk a mile up the road.....but MOVE....
I am finding listening to this rehetoric...a reason to take that why the biotech sector of the market is doing well? What does this say about our society.....they we can not make a choice in a financial disaster and move forward?
sorry, I just had to express my dissatisfaction. Who is going to lose their jobs next guys, when we all decide to turn off our radios and tv's and disconnect from this negativity.....?????
Is there any good news out there? Please tell me something is going well somewhere? When do we get to the point when we realize, it can not be all this bad, especially if everyone seems to believe they have plenty of time to debate which, direction to head.......??????
How much negativity is enough negativity......I am at my limit.....or damn close. How about you?
I am offering my blog, for your vote.........that says, guys and gals of Washington, MAKE a decision and MOVE ON....Move forward......I do not believe that I am I?
I need my brain decluttered in order to declutter my home..........
Smiles to you,
dee cluttering
Is this Financial Tsunami a signal to the End of the ME, ME culture?
I think so.........and it is about time. The pendulum swings. The wheel of life turns....change is ever present....and NO ONE CAN STOP the change that is upon us. I for one was impressed with Mr. Obama's speech. He said it last nite....our future depends on banding together and
seeing our way clear of this mess.
I for one was pleased with the polls by the American people. Why then is Wall Street not showing this same enthusiasm today.....even Kramer expected a rally over the next few days.
Why are the naysayers asking for they can rip them to shreds before the programs begin.
When you have a crisis, you move forward, you make decisions as you go....until you get your head above water. Yes, you make some mistakes on the way....but, the key is if you do not get your head above water....then you may as well go outside and " dig yourself a ditch".
At a time when every pundit, every talking head, every politician, every person of influence, respect and celebrity should be offering emotional support, encouragement and highlighting what we can do as individuals to help this mess..... all they are doing is criticizing those that are trying to move forward. Why?
Perhaps, I am an old time corporate person, what happened to not criticizing a solution until you have a better one to offer?
Perhaps, I still have manners and believe if you do not have something nice to say, keep your mouth shut?
When did we become a society, that is all about negativity? When there is so much money made on telling us to believe in hope, have faith in our destiny, to cherish change?
It would seem that there is No value to people sitting around talking about what to do, we as a country as individuals need to ACT. You know what to do. Instead of throwing out food, give it to someone that needs it.
Go to your closets and storage bins, find the stuff you do not need, and give it to people who need it. We have so much stuff we do not need. Your gift, could be the thing that changes someone's desperation to HOPE.....and that is how it starts.
I was so touched by the story last evening of the man who received $60 million dollars.... and shared it with his friends and employees. He did it because it was the right thing to do....SHARE.
Have we as a society forgotten how to share.....? I am thinking today, we need to focus on sharing....and how we can help others in this financial mess........because when we HELP OTHERS we help ourselves.........this Mess is proof of it. I believe it is a sign....that way we live has to move towards community....not individual. The infrastruture of our society is crumbling,
as we robbed peter to pay paul....and as Mr. Obama said, now is the time of reckoning. He is right.
We need to stand behind this man for better or least for the next year and give him a chance.....and the best way is not to talk about hope, or negate is to live HOPE.
So open those boxes in your basement....and put that stuff to good use, by helping your neighbor, with your gift. It will make you feel better....too. I promise.
While the pundits and talking heads, are debating the best way to move forward, we the people need to show them how to move DOING....NOT DEBATING, Not talking about Doing.........DO SOMETHING....don't be part of the the Solution.
and please write here, with stories of what you are your community to help. I think it will help everyone to see that one person can make changes.....without an outlay of cash, that many of us are short on.....but, even then we are NOT POWERLESS, to fuel change.
off soap box..........will leave you with these inspirational quotes:
The business of life is to go forwards; he who sees evil in
prospect meets it in his way; but he who catches it by
retrospection turns back to find it. That which is feared
may sometimes be avoided, but that which is regretted today
may be regretted again tomorrow.--Samuel Johnson
Effort only fully releases its reward after a person
refuses to quit.-- Napoleon Hill
I'm not enjoying fighting over there. It is dangerous to
be right in matters on which the established authorities
are wrong.--Voltaire (1694-1778)
smiles to you......
seeing our way clear of this mess.
I for one was pleased with the polls by the American people. Why then is Wall Street not showing this same enthusiasm today.....even Kramer expected a rally over the next few days.
Why are the naysayers asking for they can rip them to shreds before the programs begin.
When you have a crisis, you move forward, you make decisions as you go....until you get your head above water. Yes, you make some mistakes on the way....but, the key is if you do not get your head above water....then you may as well go outside and " dig yourself a ditch".
At a time when every pundit, every talking head, every politician, every person of influence, respect and celebrity should be offering emotional support, encouragement and highlighting what we can do as individuals to help this mess..... all they are doing is criticizing those that are trying to move forward. Why?
Perhaps, I am an old time corporate person, what happened to not criticizing a solution until you have a better one to offer?
Perhaps, I still have manners and believe if you do not have something nice to say, keep your mouth shut?
When did we become a society, that is all about negativity? When there is so much money made on telling us to believe in hope, have faith in our destiny, to cherish change?
It would seem that there is No value to people sitting around talking about what to do, we as a country as individuals need to ACT. You know what to do. Instead of throwing out food, give it to someone that needs it.
Go to your closets and storage bins, find the stuff you do not need, and give it to people who need it. We have so much stuff we do not need. Your gift, could be the thing that changes someone's desperation to HOPE.....and that is how it starts.
I was so touched by the story last evening of the man who received $60 million dollars.... and shared it with his friends and employees. He did it because it was the right thing to do....SHARE.
Have we as a society forgotten how to share.....? I am thinking today, we need to focus on sharing....and how we can help others in this financial mess........because when we HELP OTHERS we help ourselves.........this Mess is proof of it. I believe it is a sign....that way we live has to move towards community....not individual. The infrastruture of our society is crumbling,
as we robbed peter to pay paul....and as Mr. Obama said, now is the time of reckoning. He is right.
We need to stand behind this man for better or least for the next year and give him a chance.....and the best way is not to talk about hope, or negate is to live HOPE.
So open those boxes in your basement....and put that stuff to good use, by helping your neighbor, with your gift. It will make you feel better....too. I promise.
While the pundits and talking heads, are debating the best way to move forward, we the people need to show them how to move DOING....NOT DEBATING, Not talking about Doing.........DO SOMETHING....don't be part of the the Solution.
and please write here, with stories of what you are your community to help. I think it will help everyone to see that one person can make changes.....without an outlay of cash, that many of us are short on.....but, even then we are NOT POWERLESS, to fuel change.
off soap box..........will leave you with these inspirational quotes:
The business of life is to go forwards; he who sees evil in
prospect meets it in his way; but he who catches it by
retrospection turns back to find it. That which is feared
may sometimes be avoided, but that which is regretted today
may be regretted again tomorrow.--Samuel Johnson
Effort only fully releases its reward after a person
refuses to quit.-- Napoleon Hill
I'm not enjoying fighting over there. It is dangerous to
be right in matters on which the established authorities
are wrong.--Voltaire (1694-1778)
smiles to you......
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I like Mr. Bernecke's Analogy........
Your neighbor starts a fire because he smokes a cigarette in bed....
yes, he was wrong, but do you call the fire department or let the
entire neighborhood burn down?
( loosely quoted )....his point was well made....we are surrounded by
rhetoric, think positive, believe in good things and they will happen....
don't judge situations or people so harshly....believe all things happen
for good reason....and learn from them.
Why all I hear is criticism.......of the people that are trying
to call the fire department....? give them a chance. Why is it if all
the talking heads KNOW BETTER, they are not doing anything?
because, they are making money shorting this market....and with the
uptick rule no longer in effect, No one is stopping them bury this market...
creating a worse picture than there is...........yes, people made mistakes
they are human....
We will all learn from this financial disaster. Let's put out the fire and
move forward, smarter and better for all this. If we stop criticizing and
fighting the solutions offered, and work with them....and each in our own
way helps our community recover from this mess. Okay we did not make
the fire, but do you want YOUR HOUSE to burn down too...?
Do you want to cut your nose off to spite your face?
This is the question you must ask yourself, when you listen to all the
rhetoric out there today......
Off soap box for today....I for one am happy to have heard clear facts
on this mess from Mr. Bernecke........thank you, MR. Bernecke!!!!!
Smiles to you,
yes, he was wrong, but do you call the fire department or let the
entire neighborhood burn down?
( loosely quoted )....his point was well made....we are surrounded by
rhetoric, think positive, believe in good things and they will happen....
don't judge situations or people so harshly....believe all things happen
for good reason....and learn from them.
Why all I hear is criticism.......of the people that are trying
to call the fire department....? give them a chance. Why is it if all
the talking heads KNOW BETTER, they are not doing anything?
because, they are making money shorting this market....and with the
uptick rule no longer in effect, No one is stopping them bury this market...
creating a worse picture than there is...........yes, people made mistakes
they are human....
We will all learn from this financial disaster. Let's put out the fire and
move forward, smarter and better for all this. If we stop criticizing and
fighting the solutions offered, and work with them....and each in our own
way helps our community recover from this mess. Okay we did not make
the fire, but do you want YOUR HOUSE to burn down too...?
Do you want to cut your nose off to spite your face?
This is the question you must ask yourself, when you listen to all the
rhetoric out there today......
Off soap box for today....I for one am happy to have heard clear facts
on this mess from Mr. Bernecke........thank you, MR. Bernecke!!!!!
Smiles to you,
fire department,
mr. bernecke,
mr. bernecke's speech
Monday, February 23, 2009
Aren't we all so tired of the NEGATIVITY.....
everywhere we turn? What happened to the power of positive thinking? We have a NEW president, whom I did not vote for..........but, an overwhelming majority did. This man is struggling and NO ONE seems to be supporting him. Where are you who voted for him...
why aren't you supporting his plan? Because the naysayers say you should not? They also
said, you should not vote for him, but YOU DID!!!
His plan is going to build bridges....and damns and fix our roads and put people back to work doing something of value.....not just handing money out with nothing in positive exchange. These projects will require the use of steel and put our workers back to work....the workers that
are the back bone of our country.....the workers that do all the living and buying in this country.
.....and where is the community support. Buy a share of stock....ONE share of any stock and show your support of MR. Obama. Show your support of America. We in this country, spend $20 on impulse purchases, more stuff we do not need. Lottery tickets, that don't pay off. Why not spend $20 and buy ONE SHARE in a Company that is undervalued.....from the great sell off. Show your support in this country's value. It is not all bad.....not all executives steal....not all unions are worthless, not all politicians are bad. IT IS THE LAW OF AVERAGES....that says at some point WE MAKE A BOTTOM and agree as a community of citizens..........NO MORE LOSSES.
Because, there is a point in time in any crisis, that one must say.....NO is where I take a stand. Where I say, you financial gurus, and financial analysts the very people who got us in this mess..........are not who I am going to listen, I am going to listen to my HEART...and decide....I believe in this country....I believe in our ability to rebound.....I have a healthy future of this country.
If you do not believe in this country and ability to rebound from this catastrophy....then YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!!!! Buy steel stocks, because no matter how you slice it all that bridge building, road building, damn building IS GOING TO REQUIRE STEEL....NOT GOLD. It is going to require eggs and bacon and grains to feed the workers.....It is going to require energy to power the machinery. It is going to require machinery.
The worst part of this mess, in my humble opinion, is the lack of support in the companies that have made us a strong country....that supply the goods you need everyday to live....and if these companies fall, where are YOU going to be buying your supplies, from another country.
....and WHO is freely shortselling the stock market, the greedy bastards that caused this mess.....they are praying on YOUR fears driven by THEIR ANALYSTS Commentaries, that are the result of the MESS they made.....and by not investing in our great country you are HELPING them, steal more from your precious retirement funds, than they already have.
My question is when is the average american citizen going to stand up and support their own country, their way of life....and give this man President Obama an opportunity to show what he can do.....Give him a chance.
A share of GE costs less than a steak dinner for one. A share of ford is less than a dozen eggs. Do you really believe if these companies go bankrupt, their assets are not worth more than a dozen eggs???? Wake up, you the taxpayer have the chance to own these companies that have been wrongfully beaten to a pulp......and influence how they are run..... Buy now...1 share, two shares a few shares......a week... show your support for this great country.
Nationalization should not be our greatest fear.......the bargain basement purchase of our country by outsiders.....should be your worry. This is an economic war.....that is being waged against our country....which could be even more devasting than 9/11 if we the people do not stand up and support our leader, Mr. Obama.....and the corporations that did not cause this mess.
Remember there is a cycle to life....the wheel is always turning....and what is down today....will surely be up tomorrow......change is eternal.... The hope of spring is around the corner....I wish everyone that reads this in tomorrow....hope in the change that comes from upheaval....and a desire to end this negativity......and open up your hearts to the possibilities that come from the changes....Mr. Obama announced today will be his focus.
Mr. Obama promised to declutter the government.....and it is clean house....and prepare for the changes that are upon us....
Wishing you a great day....
smiles to you,
why aren't you supporting his plan? Because the naysayers say you should not? They also
said, you should not vote for him, but YOU DID!!!
His plan is going to build bridges....and damns and fix our roads and put people back to work doing something of value.....not just handing money out with nothing in positive exchange. These projects will require the use of steel and put our workers back to work....the workers that
are the back bone of our country.....the workers that do all the living and buying in this country.
.....and where is the community support. Buy a share of stock....ONE share of any stock and show your support of MR. Obama. Show your support of America. We in this country, spend $20 on impulse purchases, more stuff we do not need. Lottery tickets, that don't pay off. Why not spend $20 and buy ONE SHARE in a Company that is undervalued.....from the great sell off. Show your support in this country's value. It is not all bad.....not all executives steal....not all unions are worthless, not all politicians are bad. IT IS THE LAW OF AVERAGES....that says at some point WE MAKE A BOTTOM and agree as a community of citizens..........NO MORE LOSSES.
Because, there is a point in time in any crisis, that one must say.....NO is where I take a stand. Where I say, you financial gurus, and financial analysts the very people who got us in this mess..........are not who I am going to listen, I am going to listen to my HEART...and decide....I believe in this country....I believe in our ability to rebound.....I have a healthy future of this country.
If you do not believe in this country and ability to rebound from this catastrophy....then YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!!!! Buy steel stocks, because no matter how you slice it all that bridge building, road building, damn building IS GOING TO REQUIRE STEEL....NOT GOLD. It is going to require eggs and bacon and grains to feed the workers.....It is going to require energy to power the machinery. It is going to require machinery.
The worst part of this mess, in my humble opinion, is the lack of support in the companies that have made us a strong country....that supply the goods you need everyday to live....and if these companies fall, where are YOU going to be buying your supplies, from another country.
....and WHO is freely shortselling the stock market, the greedy bastards that caused this mess.....they are praying on YOUR fears driven by THEIR ANALYSTS Commentaries, that are the result of the MESS they made.....and by not investing in our great country you are HELPING them, steal more from your precious retirement funds, than they already have.
My question is when is the average american citizen going to stand up and support their own country, their way of life....and give this man President Obama an opportunity to show what he can do.....Give him a chance.
A share of GE costs less than a steak dinner for one. A share of ford is less than a dozen eggs. Do you really believe if these companies go bankrupt, their assets are not worth more than a dozen eggs???? Wake up, you the taxpayer have the chance to own these companies that have been wrongfully beaten to a pulp......and influence how they are run..... Buy now...1 share, two shares a few shares......a week... show your support for this great country.
Nationalization should not be our greatest fear.......the bargain basement purchase of our country by outsiders.....should be your worry. This is an economic war.....that is being waged against our country....which could be even more devasting than 9/11 if we the people do not stand up and support our leader, Mr. Obama.....and the corporations that did not cause this mess.
Remember there is a cycle to life....the wheel is always turning....and what is down today....will surely be up tomorrow......change is eternal.... The hope of spring is around the corner....I wish everyone that reads this in tomorrow....hope in the change that comes from upheaval....and a desire to end this negativity......and open up your hearts to the possibilities that come from the changes....Mr. Obama announced today will be his focus.
Mr. Obama promised to declutter the government.....and it is clean house....and prepare for the changes that are upon us....
Wishing you a great day....
smiles to you,
Monday, February 9, 2009
I spent the weekend emptying Rubbermaid Bins.........
and bins and bins and reorganizing and looking for more things to sell.

I found a vintage Aurora plastics model airplane kit that was never opened, which after a bit research seems to have a value at around $200...who could have thunk it? I hope I have more models hiding around here.
I also found a museum quality cathrineholm lotus leaf bowl from norway. It had never been used and was still wrapped in its original tissue paper. Classic MidCentury Moderne piece. It already has one bid on it, shortly after posting it to ebay. Here is a photo.

Smiles to you,
I found a vintage Aurora plastics model airplane kit that was never opened, which after a bit research seems to have a value at around $200...who could have thunk it? I hope I have more models hiding around here.
I found lots of teddy bears that I had purchased for the store I had intended on opening.......and never did, which I put up for valentines day on ebay....Here is a photo of a Valentine's Day Rhinoceros that I have up for sale.
I made it down to the basement with at least 5 empty bins from the second floor....and I can actually see some empty space in my exercise room. My office floor however, is covered with photographed items that are awaiting descriptions before being put up for sale on ebay....this dee-cluttering project seems to be never-ending.
It gets depressing....but, for the first time this weekend, when I saw actual floor space and the number of bins that were emptied, I felt that progress had been made....albeit, SLOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!
Some days, I feel chained to this CLUTTER....suffocated by it........and that I will never be free of it. Why did I hoard so much? Did I realize what I was doing or was it a totally subconscious desire? It is amazing to me that at this time in my life, I want nothing, I don't want to shop, I don't want to acquire...I want to divest myself of the past and the sooner the better!!!
I constantly think of George Carlin and his comments about STUFF.....and how much time all our stuff takes to maintain. Why do we want so much stuff?
Gotta run, the market is opening stocks again....
Wishing all my readers a wonderful DEE-CLUTTERING DAY....
Smiles to you,
Saturday, February 7, 2009
MidCentury Modern........

on ebay......
I have posted a lot of new MidCentury Moderne pieces on ebay this week and will keep putting up more auction items. I have tons of this stuff, that has been found in during the DeeCluttering of this house. Here are some photos of the newer pieces that I have just put up. They are classic MidCentury Moderne pieces from the EAMES era.
This first photo is a STIG LINDBERG PLATE.
The second photo is Art Pottery from Cotswold England from the 50's
Look at these great candlesticks, Handpainted wood... very picasso or dali...very MODERNE!
This is a great vase, made in Lapid, Israel in the 50's....
a la Fantini Raymour style. Lapid Israel is very collectible pottery at reasonable prices at this moment in time.
Typical MidCentury Moderne style.
Great Enamel Bird Plate, signed by the artist.
Very Eames......Very MidCentury Modern style.
I have good clutter, which is why it did not end up in the trash. This is just a sampling of what has been found in my basement rubbermaid bins, collected over the years from family, friends, flea markets....and more items for sale will be going up on Ebay all this have a look and give MY STUFF a good home.
MY store is filled with MID Century Moderne Decorator Items for your home.
Wishing you a fabulous treasure hunting weekend. Please feel free to share photos or descriptions of your Mid Century Moderne finds in your HOME STASH.....or Clutter, whichever you prefer to call it.
Smiles to you,
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